The Dark Reavers are a UK & Ireland based gaming clan currently focused on World of Warcraft and preparing for Ashes of Creation. Established in 1999, we have a long history and an abundance of experience in a wide range of games spanning multiple genres. Please visit the About page for more info and a detailed history.
Latest News
- [DkR] Descending on WoW Classic - 15th Aug, 2019 by Darkademic
- [DkR] Teaming up with Goodfellas for Albion Online - 6th Jul, 2017 by Grinn
- [DkR] Ashes of Creation Guild - 6th May, 2017 by Darkademic
New Site & New Start
[ Tue 16th Feb, 2010 @ 7:21pm ] by Darkademic
The site has been completely redesigned, as you can see if you've ever visited before. Obviously, there must be a good reason for doing so since the site has stayed pretty much the same for the last 5 years. Well, DarkWinter, Soul_Rapture and myself plan to get the clan started up again over the next month or so. We'll be having a stab at Team Fortress 2 again, then hopefully expand into other games later this year.
Any former members will need to contact me about reactivating their site account because I've deactivated all user accounts. The information is still there, but you won't be able to log in, even if you reset your password.
Let me know what you think of the new site.
Love is hard....without a credit card!
[ Tue 11th Aug, 2009 @ 12:21pm ] by Insathius
Back from my week off at school up in Aberdeen - news will be a bit short this week due to the fact I havn't even touched TF2 for over a week now, and we've been on a bit of a holiday it seems with other leaders moving house and not having any free time.
Tonight will be our first night back on the to speak - I did have a game arranged with Arc however I don't think we'll have enough people to play so I doubt it'll go ahead. This isn't supprising as we've all been doing other things, and need to gradually get back into things.
From what people have been saying, our server seems to be 'up to scratch' so hopefully, we can put it to some use and get some games together.
Otherwise - keep your eyes on the schedule and the forums, if you want to play - that's the way! :)
"Ownerise that Foetus"
[ Tue 28th Jul, 2009 @ 2:37pm ] by Insathius
A very busy week of games and news! We've had a spree of activity from all members. We played 5 matches on Tuesday last week, 3 wins against our old friends Arc and 2 losses against some random clans however a very positive night. We played very tactically and used all our players effectively; I felt we all came away with very good feelings about the way things were going.
We had a few more nights last week messing about on public, getting to know each other and working together as a team. Our last match was played last night, unscheduled which I was extremely happy to see despite it being a loss it was still good to enjoy ourselves.
Sketch and Tiger have formed their own clan outside of the community, whilst not really advisable in my opinion I'd still like to say they haven't left the clan they just want to take things to a new competitive level. I'd like to pass on my own wishes of good luck and hope they have all the best of success!
We have now got a new server with Killercreation… continue reading
Chibi Robo!
[ Tue 21st Jul, 2009 @ 3:33pm ] by Insathius
This week we've seen the first few days of the practices I scheduled last week, I must say they have been filling up quite nicely for the last bit of the month we have left.
Saturday was our first recruitment spree, Dark Reaver, I and a few others spent some time going through some public servers and we have got three new trialists to the clan! I'd like to formerly welcome Chippy, SHUG and Jammin to the clan!
We had lots of fun online and we got most of the new recruits set up on the clan website. We have had a couple of nights where we've ran into trouble getting some members onto ventrillo, please new recruits – find some time to get yourself onto ventrillo so you can start playing in matches. All the details you should need will be on the forums.
Games continue to rock on! I'd like to encourage all members to keep their eyes on the forums and the main site, the schedule will be updated at a monthly basis!
[ Wed 15th Jul, 2009 @ 3:06pm ] by Insathius
After a week of absenteeism I think I need to apologise to you all, I really should have announced at least I wouldn't have been online for a while. Sorry everyone! I think the recent lapse of activity is probably my fault. This is not a sign of the recent iteration of DkR ending, c'mon we need to be positive!!
I've been thinking its kind of easy to lapse into a series of inactivity due to our schedule really runs from week to week. I've decided to plan some definite day of 'practice' month by month, what the clan get's up to on these days is really up to the clan it is really just a night where there will definitely be people online within the clan playing the game. Here are a few things these days might involve all depending on level of participation;
• Random IRC match
• Playing on public servers (team stacking ofc)
• Strategy/Tactic discussions (i.e going through some different styles of play, tactics or strategy)
• Internal clan war
I think the strategy/tactic point might be a bit co… continue reading
- Archeage Unchained: ? / Nuia/West
- WoW Classic: Shazzrah / Horde
- WoW: Chamber of Aspects / Horde
- Guild Wars 2: Desolation (Retired)