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Italy will they be the 1st to quit the euro ?

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#17 Darkademic

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Posted 08 March 2013 - 02:59 am




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#18 mixe

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Posted 08 March 2013 - 09:47 am

second link was a sweet read and in my opinion Greece wont leave however Italy is a different kettle of fish as they do actually have a productive economy aswell as being market leaders in fashion/style (china could be a massive market for them if they move towards a consumer economy) 

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#19 Xiomaro

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Posted 08 March 2013 - 12:56 pm

imagine your country without having oil 


Haha you beat me to it.


Norway is kinda similar to Australia. The wealth is built on having really valuable resources (Australia has more coal and uranium, right?). Both countries are super strict about immigration because all it does is spread the wealth more thinly (which they don't want!). That's part of the reason why both countries have such tiny populations. Imagine if we found an alternative source of energy :P I can't imagine that'll happen any time soon but we can hope!


On topic: It'll be interesting to see what Grillo can actually do. Politicians can make all kinds of statements and promises but once they're actually accountable they tend to become a lot more reserved in what they say and do (partly because the system forces them to go about it that way). You get a similar thing on Question Time. When ever there is a journalist, musician or actor on the panel (there's almost always at least one) they tend to be really outspoken and they can easily say what people want to hear because they have no real power and they have no accountability.

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#20 mixe

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Posted 08 March 2013 - 04:19 pm

well i think his idea is to have no politicians make dissions and have all of it done by referendum so basicly he and his party would just be administration for the people tbh in this day and age with technology and everyone having internet access this would be the way to go (democratic evolution ? ) 

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#21 mixe

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Posted 10 March 2013 - 08:06 pm

ok i take it all back what i said about Belgium i got a nice rug yesterday and it was made in Belgium  and my son won a teddy out of one of them vending machines at the arcade today and it was made in Belgium !  2 thing in 2 days !

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#22 KarmaComa

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Posted 10 March 2013 - 10:28 pm

all so anyone know why we made the centre of this whole euro thing in Brussels ?  as i say i see nothing made in Belgium apart from chocolate and and there retail was based of cheep booze and smokes why there ? why has this unproductive country got all this power ? why not Germany or Spain or even Italy? am i missing something ?


I'm sorry but how can I take any of what you say seriously when you think that Belgium is directing the EU just because parts of its institutions are located in Brussels (with others being in Strasbourg and Luxembourg) and that its economy is running on chocolate and cheap booze (and wth why cheap?).


I'm all in favor of people starting debates and expressing ideas but it certainly would gain in credibility backed by facts (easily researched) and not widespread stereotypes and misconceptions.

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#23 mixe

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Posted 10 March 2013 - 11:42 pm

did not say it was directing the eu but i would be happy to put a fair wager that you get more out of it than you put in 

the booze and chocolate still stands tho as back in the late 90s i was a hgv mechanic for a coach company now we did not do a coach tour to Belgium but the drivers would do a optional to tobacco road if they were going Dover Calais route (granted the price did go up about 25% when the euro came in) i did not mean to insult you or your homeland with my brash wording but Belgium dose not  exactly stand out as a tech/engineering power house


ok i just googled manufacturing company's in Belgium i was shocked to see so little tbh

Edited by mixe, 10 March 2013 - 11:58 pm.

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