The Dark Reavers Gaming Clan

The Dark Reavers are a UK & Ireland based gaming clan currently focused on World of Warcraft and preparing for Ashes of Creation. Established in 1999, we have a long history and an abundance of experience in a wide range of games spanning multiple genres. Please visit the About page for more info and a detailed history.

Latest News


Guild Mansion Up!

[ Fri 7th Nov, 2014 @ 8:15pm ] by Darkademic

After much preparation we managed to get our guild mansion up in Auroria. Thanks to all those who contributed, and to Terdle for being the point man for the project. The house is for the entire guild to use, but please make sure you're aware of the ground rules for it:

For anyone unaware, the house is located in north-east Nuimari.

New Guild Crest(s)

[ Sat 18th Oct, 2014 @ 6:29pm ] by Darkademic

Since our normal guild logo doesn't really fit with the aesthetic/environment of Archeage, Terdle decided to create a new crest. He found a really great design to use for the initial version and spent some time adjusting it to represent the guild. I've since developed the design further to make give it a more "DkR-ish" feel.

We've ended up with two versions which I'm happy to see being used interchangably depending what individual members prefer. I'm also happy for this to be the official [DkR] crest moving forwards.

Though it's gonna hurt for now, every ship must sail away..

[ Wed 1st Oct, 2014 @ 3:34pm ] by Hellgaunt

With just a small group we managed to strike gold when Team Butcher's ship was borded and sailed away with all their trade packs. A glorious moment for the ArcheAge guild and a job extremely well done by a few! The picture says it all!

Closing Down WildStar Branch

[ Tue 30th Sep, 2014 @ 4:27pm ] by Hellgaunt

We have decided to close down the raiding chapter in WildStar. The guild will remain a casual levelling group and we'll maintain guild buffs for as long as we have enough influence to do so. We'd like to thank everyone for the time we did have in Wildstar but must face the fact that, while the raids are a blast, there are simply too many other aspects of the game that aren't really optimal and as such it's unsustainable to maintain a healthy guild presence.

Phagetech Prototypes

[ Sun 21st Sep, 2014 @ 11:29pm ] by Saviour

Nice last pull guys, onto the Maw next.