The Dark Reavers are a UK & Ireland based gaming clan currently focused on World of Warcraft and preparing for Ashes of Creation. Established in 1999, we have a long history and an abundance of experience in a wide range of games spanning multiple genres. Please visit the About page for more info and a detailed history.
Latest News 
- [DkR] Descending on WoW Classic - 15th Aug, 2019 by Darkademic
- [DkR] Teaming up with Goodfellas for Albion Online - 6th Jul, 2017 by Grinn
- [DkR] Ashes of Creation Guild - 6th May, 2017 by Darkademic
DkR WildStar Guild
[ Sun 5th May, 2013 @ 6:08pm ] by Darkademic

[DkR] will officially be expanding into WildStar upon release (due 2013). We've opened recruitment for the MMO and will be accepting players who wish to join us in WildStar.
The MMO actually took many of us by surprise, what with it being in development for at least a couple of years already and not many of us knowing of its existence, but it has quickly generated a lot of interest amongst existing [DkR] members, even more so than Elder Scrolls Online which has a much larger following in the gaming community.
After playing Guild Wars 2 since the first beta weekend, we're very much looking forward to a change of scenery which offers a variety of endgame content catering to larger groups, something which GW2 unfortunately still lacks. We'll be getting stuck into all of the endgame content WildStar has to offer, including raids, warplots, battlegrounds and arenas.
We haven't decided on a faction yet, with significant numbers voting for both of them. We'll hold off on a decision until the … continue reading
Event Farming
[ Sun 17th Feb, 2013 @ 12:29pm ] by omphin

Event Farming
Every army needs its resources and with our allies crowding the WvW battlefield on the weekends [DkR] will turn to farming events on Saturdays at 1pm. We may include other times in the future which will not clash with WvW. Players will meet in the Ruins of Orr and other such places to run amok with each other to see content, make cash and socialise.
There is no obligation to send a donation from cash earned from the event farming session. Any donations to the guild bank will go towards funding our presence in WvW. Non guildies also invited; if you have friends on other servers you can get them to guest too.
Early Birds: Day One
[ Wed 6th Feb, 2013 @ 1:34pm ] by omphin

Early Birds - 6th Feb 2013 - 6am to 11am
We tested the reaction of the Vizunah Square defense on Vizunah Borderlands. Our first attacks were catapults at the back of Bluebriar and a ram at the front for the second attempt; the enemy quickly built arrow carts and destroyed our siege. We then built a single catapult to take Bluebriar from the large boulder south-west of it. When the gate and wall were at about 25% we were stormed by about fifteen to twenty VS players. Naturally we wiped, being outnumbered three to one.
We then ran around the map to downgrade the enemy supply camps and also took the quaggan to use as cover for an attack on the Bay keep's water entrance. The outer wall was at about 1% HP by the time twenty Vizunah ran around the corner from the Garrison and wiped us for a second time. We had another attempt at taking Bluebriar with a catapult before we decided to build two golems. At this point a few randoms showed up which activated the Siegemaster. Using the randoms, the… continue reading
DkR & ThUn Cooperation
[ Mon 28th Jan, 2013 @ 9:30am ] by Toglos

Our alliance with ThUn has now been in existence for almost a year, and we have always pulled off some extraordinary gameplay, especially within WvW.
This past week a decision was made between the officers and leaders of both guilds to reinforce each other on our official WvW nights.
From now on DkR will be joining ThUn on their Mumble server every Tuesday evening (details on the forums). On Wednesday evenings + Friday Resets, ThUn will be joining us on our Mumble.
Friday's Reset: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVGqcO_3_oU
Hopefully we'll have more videos to update to the homepage soon!
Cragtop Ours in Under 5 Mins
[ Sun 27th Jan, 2013 @ 2:19pm ] by Aspeh

It began at Stonemist Castle in Eternal Battlegrounds. Toglos, Aspeth, Sparrk, Tehbes and Korvash had been hanging about, kicking stones, spitting in the dirt, and generally looking for trouble, when Omphin logged in to Mumble and suggested moving to a borderlands.
We went to Seafarer's Rest Borderlands and waypointed to Shadaran Hills keep to practice portalling golems over to Cragtop tower. Ideally we needed another Mesmer, then along came Tratpan to join the fun. After a cliff suicide by an individual who shall remain nameless, we ran supply from the camp north of Hills back to the Hills vista where the golem was being built. Stage one complete, the golem was up. Then the Mesmers, Omphin, Aspeth, Tratpan and Tehbes got a guided tour, courtesy of Omphin, of where to be standing and portalling. Meanwhile Toglos was fuelling his addiction to siege by building a second golem. Initial efforts failed, with one portal being too far and another running out of time. After couple more attempt… continue reading
- Archeage Unchained: ? / Nuia/West
- WoW Classic: Shazzrah / Horde
- WoW: Chamber of Aspects / Horde
- Guild Wars 2: Desolation (Retired)